John 3:16 " For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

CBD Oil for Pets FAQs

As CBD gains more popularity, a lot of questions are being asked about CBD oil and other pet products since this category is filled with so many inaccuracies. this article is to give clarity to the many misinformation and lack of knowledge that the pet cannabidiol products face. There is extreme confusion about the subject of CBD and this is bound to happen because CBD is still in its infancy and it is still going through some standardization. 

Since there are pirates and sharks in this space, peddling CBD as a wonder drug, we decided to put together some of the most frequently asked questions and provide industry-based answers to them to help you cut through the muddle. 

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol or CBD is a compound in the cannabis family, gotten from the Cannabis Sativa plant. It has gained a huge following, owing to the therapeutic benefits that it possesses, such as the ability to support healthy mobility, promotes relaxation, and other benefits. CBD is not marijuana-derived, instead, it is hemp-derived, meaning that it has only 0.3% THC, and will not get your pet high.

Although cannabidiol (CBD) is only one of the over 100 naturally occurring Phyto cannabinoids found in the hemp plant, it is one of the well-known and most studied cannabinoids. It is non-intoxicating (it won’t get your pet high) and known to have many therapeutic benefits including relieving inflammation, immune system support, anxiety and pain relief, anti-tumor, anti-seizure, antioxidant protection, and possesses antibacterial properties. 

Is Hemp Oil the Same as CBD Oil for Pets?

Although both hemp oil and CBD oil come from the same hemp plant, they are not the same thing. Hemp seel oil only offers Vitamin E, Omega 3, and 6, and it doesn’t offer any of the other benefits that CBD provides. This is because the hemp seed doesn’t contain any cannabinoids. CBD oil on the other hand is extracted from the leaves, stalks, and flowers of hemp plants, which are ridiculously rich in a variety of cannabinoids. So ensure you are buying CBD oil for your pets and not hemp seed oil instead.

Full-Spectrum, Broad Spectrum, or Isolates. Is There A Difference?

Full-Spectrum CBD is a general term for describing hemp-derived products containing CBD and other beneficial compounds of the hemp plant, like, minor cannabinoids, flavonoids, terpenes, vitamins, minerals, and THC (the psychoactive agent that gets people high)

Broad-Spectrum CBD is the same as Full-Spectrum CBD, with the only difference being that the psychoactive cannabinoid, known as THC, is removed.

CBD Isolates are products with only CBD Phyto cannabinoid extracted. No other compounds or vitamins – only CBD, hence it is called “Isolates”.

The most beneficial CBD Oil for your pet is the Broad-Spectrum CBD as it contains all the nutrients, vitamins, and other minerals that are beneficial to your pet and doesn’t have any psychoactive agent that will cause a reaction in your pet.

How Does CBD Work in the Body?

To get a clearer understanding of the workings of CBD in the body, you must understand the endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS is an intricate part of the body, a network of receptors located throughout the body, playing a critical role in balancing and regulating body processes, such as mood, appetite, sleep, immune system, digestion, and pain among other things. These receptors are triggered by cannabinoids produced by the body, known as endocannabinoids, as well as CBD from plants. 

Is CBD Oil Safe for My Pet?

While it is completely unsafe to give your pet marijuana with THC, hemp-based CBD, from the Cannabis Sativa, is a completely different compound from the Cannabis Indica – the compound that contains the THC that creates a “high” or “buzz”.

If you chose the Broad-Spectrum CBD Oil for your pet, then you’ve chosen CBD oil with no harmful added ingredients and formulated according to the right dosage. This means that your pet is not in any danger of getting addicted or having any side effects. In the right dosage, it is completely safe for your pet. However, you may want to consider speaking with your vet before introducing your pet to CBD oil, especially if your pet is on medications.

How Much CBD Oil Should I Give My Pet?

The general consensus is to start with 1-5mg per 10pounds of body weight, 2-3 times a day. However, the one thing to watch out for when dosing is not the volume of the product, but the actual amount of CBD.

The key element here is to find the right dosage for your pet. So, you may want to experiment a bit until you get the perfect fit for your pet. Don’t worry, your pet will not be lethargic. Instead, it will be visibly calmer, pacing, whining, and panting will decrease once you hit the right spot. 

How Long Before the CBD Kicks in?

Since it is CBD oil, the bioavailability rate and absorption rate will be faster and more even and you can start seeing results in 30-60 minutes.

Where Can I Buy the Best CBD Oil for My Pet?

Due to confusing labels, advertising restrictions, and retailers giving sham information, you want to take extra care when shopping for CBD oil for your pets online or in-store. First things first, be sure you are buying CBD oil and not hemp oil, and the product must state the CBD content.

Secondly, you can buy CBD oil for your pets from a brand like EverlastinglifeCBD, which has commissioned independent third-party testing and can provide you with a certificate of analysis.

Thirdly and of significant importance, ensure to source organic CBD oil, as this offers the best quality and has no impurities like fungicides, pesticides, and other “cides”.

Do Vets Recommend CBD Oil for Pets?

Many vets and pet industry players are familiar with the benefits of CBD and do recommend them for use. However, you must check with your vet, especially if you’re using other medications. Vets advise that the best way to administer CBD to pets is via oil or tincture as you can manage and adjust the dose where necessary.