CBD Oil Or Hemp Oil? Do you know the Difference?

The latest buzz about CBD Oil and Hemp Oil is spreading over the internet like a storm. But not everyone knows that there is a difference between the two. If you have vested a deeper interest in CBD health supplements, then you should be aware of their analogy. In many cases, it has been observed that the consumers do not know the contrasting treatments that are offered by hemp Oil and CBD Oil.
No frets! Here, we will discuss everything about these oils that despite being derived from the same plant species have some distinctive health benefits which you must be aware of before ordering one for yourself.
The difference between CBD Oil and Hemp Oil
Although both, CBD Oil and Hemp Oil are derived from the same plant i.e ‘Cannabis Sativa’, both have different health benefits for us. While CBD Oil treats, Hemp Oil protects! In simpler words, Cannabidiol (CBD) Oil has therapeutic potential while hemp seed oil works as a great nutritional/dietary supplement thereby safeguarding us from getting prone to serious diseases.
Let us study these under the following headlines for a better understanding...
Since the wellness market is flooded with different kinds of products, the clarity between them remains in question. For knowing this, you must first understand that the two, that means CBD and Hemp Oils exist in different parts of the same plant. The components differ in the leaves and flowers while the stem and seeds have an altogether different scale of compounds. Ergo, the outcome and benefits in both cases will be distinctive.
CBD Oil is extracted from the flowers and leaves of Cannabis Sativa while Hemp Oil is taken from the seeds of the plant. Due to this, both vary in methods of treating us.
Coming from different parts of the plant, the ingredients to heal are different in both. While hemp seed oil works fantastically to feed our bodies’ requirements of Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids. Additionally, this has effective antioxidants and γ-linolenic acid.
On the contrary, CBD Oil Sublingual is prepared from the leaves and flowers of the Cannabis Sativa. This area of the plant holds phytocannabinoids including CBD and THC. Along with this, there are terpenoids like β-caryophyllene (BCP), and limonene.
It is worthy to note that in hempseed oil there is no presence of the THC at all. Also, this oil contains negligible to no presence of CBD. Conversely, in CBD Oil, there is a slight presence of THC which is below 0.3% and CBD in this oil is between 12% to 18% concentrations.
Now, that we are armed with the analogy of both CBD and hempseed Oil, let us take you a step further to help select the right one for yourself. For this, we will discuss the uses or the benefits that both these individually hold due to the difference in compounds.
CBD Oil or Hemp Oil- The Health Benefits to Steal
Based on the above information, Hemp Oil works great as a nutritional supplement and it has the following health benefits-
- Keeps cardiovascular activities(1) secured.
- It helps in maintaining BP and reduces inflammatory and chronic diseases.
- It has been observed that it is also good for fighting the symptoms of Premenstrual Syndromes (PMS).
- It is a source of 9 essential amino acids which are used by our body to form protein.
- Hemp Oil works against neuroinflammation, making it a good treatment for Alzheimer’s disease (2).
Consequently, CBD Oil has a broader therapeutic capacity. It was in 2018 that CBD Oil products were federally legalized under certain conditions(3). Here are the major health benefits of CBD Oil-
- ‘Epidiolex’ which is a purified CBD oral solution is approved by the FDA as a great medication for reducing seizures(4) for patients with Dravet and Lennox-Gastaut syndromes.
- It leads to improved sleep and people with insomnia might benefit. CBD can reduce cortisol levels if consumed regularly. (5)
- CBD is anxiolytic and antipsychotic which means that it helps in managing stress and anxiety.
- With its ability to stimulate the endocannabinoid receptors, Cannabidiol Oil can be beneficial as a treatment for all kinds of chronic and inflammatory pains.
- It can be used to cure the skin conditions like acne and psoriasis. Also, it secures us from allergies and infections. However, it is worthy to note that the results take at least 3 months to show in case of prolonged illnesses. (6)
Are there any Side-effects of CBD Oil and Hemp Oil?
As per the research papers on CBD, the different components present in both have been tested and it has been concluded that these bring no adverse side effects. According to a study (7) -
“Cannabidiol doses up to 300 mg/d have been used safely for up to 6 months and doses of 1200 to 1500 mg/d were used in a study by Zuardi et al for up to 4 weeks.”
The possible side-effects if CBD doesn’t suit or is overdosed are-
- Decrease in appetite
- Diarrhea
- Adverse effects of somnolence
- Nausea
Note: Patients with known reduced levels of hepatic function must cautiously begin the CBD routine as it can affect negatively if the liver’s functioning if it is weak. It is therefore advised to begin only after getting your liver tests done and checked by a renowned physician.
Find the quality CBD Oil is essential
In addition, negative effects are visible if you purchase synthetic CBD Oil or Hempseed Oil. Ergo, finding a quality product becomes very important. Previously, many fraud cases have been reported in the States because of the poor regulation of these products. It is recommended to purchase from the European market where comparatively strict guidelines are followed. Moreover, for trying the “full spectrum” Hempseed or CBD Oils, you must consult a physician as there is no bulk evidence and conclusive research on their efficacy.
CBD Oil and Hemp Oil are both safe and helpful supplements for adult humans to live healthy and long. Based on the above discussion, it is evident that selecting one over the other wouldn’t be justified. Based on the health goal you want to achieve, you can select the right one for yourself. Also, go for the essential tests that need to be done before beginning these as regular health supplements and plan your dose only under an expert physician’s observations. Also, you need to choose the right shopping portal for CBD Oil and Hempseed Oil products. You can consider https://everlastinglifecbd.com/, where ISO -7 clean manufacturing process is followed and the hemp used is authentic. Just crosscheck the labels and tally them with the guidelines given on the FDA’s list concerning CBD products.
Reference links
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18460481/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6288804/
- https://www.fda.gov/news-events/public-health-focus/fda-regulation-cannabis-and-cannabis-derived-products-including-cannabidiol-cbd.
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6288804/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6326553/pdf/18-041.pdf
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18460481/.
- https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/article/S0025-6196(19)30007-2/fulltext,